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Ennova Videos

Boom Supersonic XB-1, designed with Ennova: Launches another supersonic test flight

Ennova Technologies' customer, Boom Supersonic, completed the second supersonic test flight of their prototype, the XB-1. Ennova and Boom have worked tirelessly to bring the advantages of cutting edge computational fluid dynamics to aircraft design. Congratulations, Boom ! Click here to view the video on Boom's YouTube Channel

Boom Supersonic XB-1, designed with Ennova: Launches historic first supersonic flight

Ennova Technologies' customer, Boom Supersonic, completed the first supersonic test flight of their prototype, the XB-1. Ennova and Boom have worked tirelessly to bring the advantages of cutting edge computational fluid dynamics to aircraft design. Congratulations, Boom ! Click here to view the video on Boom's YouTube Channel

Boom Supersonic XB-1, designed with Ennova: First flight

Ennova Technologies' customer, Boom Supersonic, completed their first test flight of their prototype, the XB-1, this morning. Ennova and Boom have worked tirelessly to bring the advantages of cutting edge computational fluid dynamics to aircraft design. Congratulations, Boom ! Click here to view the video on Boom's YouTube Channel

Ennova CFD: The better meshing solution

This is a really nice introduction to Ennova, put together by our partner, Wolf Dynamics. Click here to view the video on Wolf Dynamics's YouTube Channel

Tutorial for EnnovaCFD™ for OpenFOAM®

The following is a 15 minute intro to using Ennova to setup and run an openFOAM example. Click here to view the video on Ennova's YouTube Channel

Common Research Model, Drag Prediction Workshop

This is a short video showing how to produce a high quality mesh for CFD on an aircraft geometry. We are using the CRM (Common Research Model) from the DPW (Drag Prediction Workshop) of AIAA. The video covers everything from importing the IGES data to healing, setting up meshing parameters and producing the mesh. All in under 10 minutes! Results with FUN3D as well. Click here to view the video on Ennova's YouTube Channel

Introduction To Ennova Meshing

In this video we present an overview of the Ennova approach

Semi-Submersible Floating Platform

A Fully Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation for Analysis of Semi-Submersible Floating DeepCwind Under StokesII-Wave using ennova and OpenFOAM®.

Tornado-like vortices.

Analysis of tornado-like vortices using the DES turbulence model, coupling aero-acoustic phenomenon (acousticFoam). Analysis of flow around a building in a tornado generator and acoustic analysis inside the building Sound transmitted through glass.


Sound Pressure Progagation

This is a video that compares the sound pressure propagation in both polyhedral and octree hexahedral meshes.

Mixing Tank Simulation

This is a simulation of a mixing tank.

Unsteady airflow

This video shows how unsteady air flows over an opening produce sound.

Duck Rocket

This is a simulation of a toy duck submerged underwater and then released. It was done using two overset polyhedral meshes created in Ennova and then simulated in OpenFOAM®.

Floating Duck

This is a simuation of a floating rubber duck modeled with two overset polyhedral meshes

Duck Train

Wind Noise Car